Christian PilgrimagePilgrimages in LithuaniaJohn Paul II and Lithuania
Heavenly Mother!
In your image at Krekenava
you are famed for miracles
that pull people right out of the fire.
Jonas Mačiulis-Maironis
 Iš kurijos archyvų


O miraculous Krekenava Mother of God, who heals people’s illnesses of body and soul and shortens the anguish of purgatory, let us not fall in battle nor in the enemy’s snares. Intercede for us before your Son, who patiently awaits all those who are returning to Him. Help us win from Him the grace of meriting and obtaining the Kingdom of Heaven forever.

Translation of a text which was approved by Panevėžys Bishop Jonas Kauneckas in 2009.

O miraculous Krekenava Mother of God, our Comforter and Intercessor! Along with the multitudes who seek your aid, we too fly to your protection, worn out as we are by sufferings, overwhelmed by difficulties, worries and injustice.

Dear Mother of God, grant us a heart like your own, one that is pure, beautiful and undefiled; full of sure faith, strong hope, burning love and perseverance in affliction. Then we will be able to love Jesus like you, good Mother, and in every difficulty, seek refuge in His arms.

Translation of a text which was approved by Panevėžys Bishop Jonas Kauneckas in 2009.
